Awards always reflect high achievement and excellence. Winning an award or “just being nominated” for one is a huge boost to one’s ego. It demonstrates to the world just how hard a person or organization has been working to achieve superiority over others in the same field. Actors, scientists, novelists, corporations, sports teams and school districts are all examples of professionals or organizations that strive to win awards.

Boston Public Schools have, over the year...

Boston Schools, Patricia Hawke

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Awards always reflect high achievement and excellence. Winning an award or “just being nominated” for one is a huge boost to one’s ego. It demonstrates to the world just how hard a person or organization has been working to achieve superiority over others in the same field. Actors, scientists, novelists, corporations, sports teams and school districts are all examples of professionals or organizations that strive to win awards.

Boston Public Schools have, over the years, reaped the benefits of receiving awards and recognition. They have been able to prove, throughout time, that they are worthy of these acknowledgments. From students to individual schools to the school board, these schools are top-notch.

If you are planning to relocate your family, and you have a good job lined up in the Boston Schools area, enrolling your child in one of the Boston Schools would be a good idea. These centers of learning are well-known for their excellence in the business of educating children, as they have done so for centuries, now.

Many people are impressed by the amount of years an organization has been in business. Stores and restaurants boast signs bearing the year they were established. Even wine garners more appreciation based on how old it is.

One could, if it is so desired, base the excellence of a school system, like Boston Schools on how long it has been in existence. The Boston Latin School is the oldest public school – it was founded in 1635! Boston can also boast of having the oldest public elementary school – Mather School, founded in 1639. Boston Schools are members of the oldest public school system, organized in 1647. The city also has English High, the oldest public high school which opened its doors to students in 1821.

The prestige of a school system like the one that serves Boston Schools is indeed notable and recognizable in the fact that, if for no other reason, it has been around the longest. But of course, most of us would like to base our decision on enrolling in one of the Boston Schools on more than mere staying power. It would be helpful to know about some of the other achievements that Boston Schools have won.

Recently, two Boston Schools publications earned Awards of Excellence: the first Boston Public Schools Career and College Guide and The Boston Educator. This award exemplifies the commitment that the Boston Schools system upholds to communicating with its students, parents, and teachers.

Also of late, the mayor of Boston, and School Board traveled to New York City to accept the Broad Prize for Urban Education as the most improved urban school district in the country. The Broad Prize included $500,000 in scholarship money for BPS students. This was the Boston Schools fifth year as a finalist. Boston Schools have now earned a total of $1 million in scholarship money.

Obviously, Boston Schools not only have years and years of experience on their side, but also accolades for the work they continue to do in order to maintain their standard of excellence.

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